We’re independent, we specialize in retirement income planning and we meet you wherever you are financially.
Redefining ROI: Before retirement, you focus on Return on Investment. After retirement, the focus most shift to a different ROI: Reliability of Income. After retirement, the focus must shift to a different ROI: Reliability of Income or you can find yourself having to live in constrained circumstances for the rest of your life.
We founded Hunt Country Wealth Management to help you shift how you define ROI. Our PROTECTED FUTURES™ program is designed to help you map out a path to a reliably comfortable retirement.
We’re a family business with deep local roots. We’re a family business in every sense of the word: we’re family, and we treat every client like family. So while Chris Merchant is a highly credentialed MBA, fiduciary and CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ who has worked with top financial corporations, we’re committed to keeping the way we do business personal, with the independence to recommend the best product, strategies for your unique retirement.
Guidance built on Hunt Country values: Our clients can count on us to know their situation and what they want for themselves, their families and their community. They can count on us to help them work toward that vision no matter what happens to the stock market. We do it by pairing our financial expertise with the values we grew up with: looking out for each other. Focusing on things that matter. Building things that last. Being worthy of trust–in everything.
2019 and 2020 Women’s Choice Award® Financial Advisor
President, Chris Merchant CFP® Author of On Investing Well: The Elements of Good Investing
For full disclosures and Women’s Choice Award® selection criteria, please see our website at https://
Address: 46 S. Loudoun Street, Winchester VA 22601
Phone: 540-205-8186
Email: advisor@huntcountryinvestments.com
Web Address: http://www.huntcountryinvestments.com
Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm